Karawane, c/o Kulturladen Westend, 
Ligsalzstrasse 20, 80339 München
e-mail: caravane-munich@gmx.de;

Tel.: Akakpo: 0174/4559023; Serge: 0171/8137581; 
Bianca: 089/44499237; Mister Eberl: 089/87129945

Dear friends in the fight for the rights of refugees,

We would like to inform you about our next activities aiming at the improvement of the situation of refugees in Germany. The Caravane Munich is currently planning the following actions:
Some examples:

  • We want to publish an information journal to enable all refugees to write about their living conditions and to talk about why they became refugees.
  • We are going to intensify our struggle against deportations. That is why we will continue to demonstrate for example against the collaboration between the embassies and the German authorities preparing documents for deportations of refugees.
  • The Bavarian government and other regional governments in Germany are planning to build up internment camps in order to facilitate and accelerate the deportations of refugees. The Caravane Munich is organising a great demonstration on the 25th of May to say NO to these internment camps und to call upon the German population for solidarity. We would like to invite all of you to take part in the mobilisation and the preparation of this demonstration tobecome successful. We are counting on you and your support, please come numerous.

And please let us know as soon as possible if you want to support and to sign our call for the demonstration on the 25th of May 2002 with your name and organisation. We would like to cooperate with you in the organisation of these actions in order to build up a strong network for the struggle against Schily's laws and equal rights for all. Please find a call for the demonstration enclosed. 

We should not ask for freedom, we have to fight for it!!!

Secretary of the Caravane Munich

Please send this coupon for support back to us as soon as possible, if you want to support the demonstration on the 25th of May.

Please sign it and fill in the name of your organisation:

We are supporting the call for the demonstration on the 25th of May with our name

The name of our organisation:__________________________________________

Please return the coupon to: 

Karawane, c/o Kulturladen Westend, Ligsalzstrasse 20,

Demonstration call:

Internment camps: No!

Injustice: No!

Politics of Fear: No! 

Criminalisations: No! 

Racist electoral campaigns: No!

Freedom and equal rights for all: Yes!


25th of May 2002 in Munich
Beginning: 12 o'clock
at Karlsplatz/Stachus

Official materials: 1st fyler and 2nd flyer

Vredno ogleda tudi:

Koncert v begunskem centru vič (slovensko), concert in in the refugee centre Vič (english)- DESETA OBLETNICA ZAČASNOSTI . . . I KAPAK! Le nekaj kilometrov od centra Ljubljane, na njenem robu, v Centru za osebe z začasnim zatočiščem, živijo otroci, žene in možje, ki jim je Slovenija že deset let usoda - AKTIVIRAJ SE - Pridite in izrazite svoje nestrinjanje s politiko izključevanja in ignorance!!!

E-mail: recinenato@aktiviraj-se.net

WWW: http://www.aktiviraj-se.net/recinenato/nenato.html