MAY DAYS 2002 Creating the alternatives to the global capitalism Slovensko - klikni sem za slovensko verzijo In the age of “global capitalism” the true interests of the ruling system have revealed itself. This system divides people to rich and poor, to exploiters and exploited, to legal and illegal, to strong and oppressed, to success and failures. The system has become even more aggressive and once unvisible forces of repression, state violence and terror have become visible. As the world capitalist elites direct and control the course of human history, people lose the most, because the interests of the rulers are never the same as the interests of the common people. Economic globalisation, war against terror, false democracy and inhuman capitalist competition have lead to the point when human dignity, morals and ethics are no longer playing a part in this world. For the interests of the ruling elites, their capital and private ownership are tearing down all barriers of humanity and justice. The only answer and the only alternative to these circumstances is resistance and action, so we are calling you to actively and with all strength join the preparations, organisation and program of the so called “MAY DAYS 2002”. We want to create alternatives through various activities, performances, events and actions in the week between 27th of April and 3rd of May 2002 in Ljubljana – Slovenija. Your participation is very important because we have to create a different world together and we would like that a lot of different people and groups would participate in this project. We hope to create a united “opposition”, strong enough and capable to represent radical alternatives to politically, economically and socially unjust world order. There is no place for apathy anymore. It is time for engaged work and struggle against the injustice and inhumanity of this world and for creating a different, fairer and better life! Join the international resistance against capitalism! Let us stop their game with human lives! Let us stop their weapons, wars, armies and police! It has been enough of lies and deceits! It has been enough of their state, their system and their abuse of democracy! We want the conditions that will allow absolute freedom of individuals and an opportunity to make our own destiny and our own future! This is something that capitalism cannot and will never be able to offer! For a different world of different values! For a world without borders and of free movement! For a world without classes, for equality, justice, happiness and peace! For friendship, life and freedom! For social justice and the same conditions for everyone! For a world that will not be led by the elite blinded with power! Let's unite our strength and searching for alternatives!
May Days Initiative / Koordinacija, February, 2002 Support this appeal and project! Join the searching and creating alternatives! PROGRAM planned so far: 27th of April 2002: ANTI FA FEST III. (first day) Opening of the May Days week with the first day of traditional anarchopunk festival against fascism in an autonomous culture-social centre METELKOVA. Bands playing so far: ATRICIOUS MADNESS (USA), MACHINE THAT FLASHES (USA), APATRIDI (CROATIA), AKTIVNA PROPAGANDA (SLOVENIA) … 29th of April: FOOD NOT BOMBS and STREET PARTY Like every Monday food not bombs project will take place in the centre of the city, this time as a part of the MAY DAYS, food not bombs will be bigger with preparation of different FNB collectives. Also street party is planned, performances and music, “propaganda” of different groups and individuals and their material will be accessible. 1st of May: MAY DAY DEMO Culmination of the MAY DAYS project will be the united international demonstration on revolutionary 1st of May against neoliberal capitalism and social inequality. For solidarity with the workers and for a different world. Demonstration will be a traditional one, with the march in the centre of the city, performances, speeches and actions. 3rd of May: ANTI FA FEST III. (second day) The end of resistance week will be the second day of traditional festival of militant antifascists. The bands for this day are so far: NEPRAVDA (CROATIA), EQUAL (CROATIA), SODN DAN (SLOVENIA). There will be also various other activities, events and actions in a May Days week of disobedience. Meetings, video nights, lectures, club nights, presentations of projects, direct action training… We appeal all interested people to join the preparation of the program. All ideas and initiatives are more then welcome.
INFO POINT and ACCOMODATION There will be an INFO POINT working in time of MAY DAYS. It will be placed in a SKRATOVA CITALNICA (anarchist library and radical infoteka) in a culture social centre METELKOVA. Probably there will be also one INFO POINT placed in a squatted house VILA MARA, but at this time we don't know what will happen with this house. INFO POINT will have all information you need, actual infos and updates. It will also take care on distribution of sleeping places. There will be enough place for all. Accommodations will be in different locations. Information will have the INFO POINTS. There will be an option of using internet in INFO POINT in SKRATOVA CITALNICA and also every day option for using internet in a KIBER PIPA (internet point). Legal help will be organised also for the week of May Days 2002. For more information contact: Home page: MAY DAYS 2002 LJUBLJANA |