Application Form European PGA conference

Deadline for applications 1 of August 2002

The conference hosts need to know how many people will attend the conference. It is vital for us to know as soon as possible and we can not guarantee for example sleepingplaces to people who didn't fill in the applicationform with questionnaire in time. For the translated versions of this document: please try to do the application in English, it makes it a lot easier for us to process.

My organisation/collective/group is interested in taking part in the Second European Conference of the People's Global Action network:

1. Name of the organisation/collective or group:_______________________________________________

2. Give a short description (no more than one page) of the objectives, manner of operation and field of action of your organisation/collective or group:_______________________________________________

3a. Names of persons that will be taking part in the conference ___________________________________

Name: _______________  email: _______________  
Name: _______________  email: _______________  
Name: _______________  email: _______________  

3b Are there children accompanying you at the conference, how old are they and would you like to participate in the 'crèchepool'.

4. Postal address of the organisation/collective or group:

Address: _______________ 
Zip code: _______________ 
Town: _______________ 
Country: _______________ 
Telephone: _______________ 
Fax: _______________ 
Email: _______________ 

5. Do you have any physical disabilities we should take into account or for which we should take measures?

6a) What languages are you master of?

Language: good/average/bad 
Language: good/average/bad 
Language: good/average/bad 

6b) Would you like to do some translating ?

Before the conference yes/no 
During the conference yes/no

7. Would you like to help out with organising the conference ?

(Just) before the conference yes/no 
During the conference yes/no

8. Are there any financial problems that could hinder your attendance of the conference ? If so, how could we help you overcome these problems?

9. Can you or your organisation/collective or group help finance the conference ?


General remarks

Please do not take any dogs with you. The conference is being held in a city and that's not an ideal place for a dog. The conferencerooms are off limits for dogs.

There will be a crechepool organised during the conference so you can take your child(ren) along.

During the conference the majority of people will stay at a special conference-camping-site. There are also several houses where people can sleep. These places are (in the first instance) for people that cannot stay at the camping-site because of medical reasons. People that cannot stay at the camping-site for medical- or any other reasons should send a message as soon as possible, before august 1, to . The subject of your message should read 'Place to sleep'.

Food and drinks 
The food during the conference will be taken care of by the Rampenplan collective. Rampenplan prepares vegetarian meals that consist of vegetable ingredients only. People will be paying by financial capacity.

Accessibility for the physically disabled 
All conference locations are easily accessible to people that have a physical disability. 

This form should be send to the PGA workgroup of Eurodusnie by one of the 
following manners: 

This application form comes accompanied by a list of questions (questionnaire) and the conference call. The questionnaire consists of a number of questions regarding the contents of the conference and the way the PGA network operates. The questionnaire should be sent to our colleagues of Movimento de Resistancia Global at or write to: Comunicaccio-MRG Internacional, Centre de Treball i Documentacio (CTD), C/ Gran de Gracia, 126 principal, primera 08012 Barcelona, Espana.

The PGA workgroup of Eurodusnie

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